St. Vincent’s Main Campus

833 St. Vincents Drive, POB 3, Suite 300, Birmingham, AL 35205

(205) 933 - 4640

Directions and Parking

Office Hours

Monday - Friday …………………………………………..8:30am-4:30pm

Directions and Parking

Southview Medical Group P.C. is located on the 3rd floor of Professional Office Building 3 on the St. Vincents Birmingham Campus.

Parking is available in the Building 3/OrthoSports Center Parking Deck between Building 3 and the OrthoSports Center Tower. Three entrances to the parking deck are located on 28th Street South, 10th Avenue South, and St. Vincent’s Drive.

From the parking deck, use the elevators labeled to reach the 3rd Floor of Professional Office Building 3. Our main lobby is located right outside the elevators.

St. Vincent’s 119 Campus

7191 Cahaba Valley Rd, Birmingham, AL 35242

(205) 212 - 5880

Directions and Parking

Office Hours

Monday - Friday ……………………………………….…...8:30am-4:30pm

Directions and Parking

Southview Medical Group P.C. is located within Building One at the St. Vincent’s 119 campus in Suite 204.

When you enter Building One, you will go to the right and take the elevators to the second floor, and then our suite will be down the hall.

Parking is available throughout the campus.

Need help? Contact our office today.

Southview Medical Group Main Campus  

Phone: (205) 933-4640

Southview Medical Group 119 Campus

Phone: (205) 212-5880

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