Our Mission

To be a multi-specialty health care organization which provides an environament for physicians and assocaites to be patient advocates and provide the highest quality care.


Our History

The history of Southview Medical Group goes back to 1922 when Drs. Hirsch, Peters and Lull began sharing office space in the Empire Building, downtown Birmingham. From that day forward, some of the most noted physicians in Birmingham have practiced within the walls of what is today Southview Medical Group. Such names include: Bert Wiesel, M.D., Keehn Berry, M.D., James Davis, M.D., Bayard Tynes, M.D., Jack Trigg, M.D. and Ralph Yarbrough, M.D. We are very proud of our heritage, but we know that we must not “rest on the past.” Instead, we must constantly seek to improve our processes and operations, thereby making your visits with us more pleasant, friendly and efficient.

Where it all started

In August of 1994, Southside Medical Group and Lakeview Internal Medicine merged to form what is now known as Southview Medical Group P.C.

In the early days, the Physicians used South Highlands Infirmary, St. Vincent's, and University Hospital.  Over the years, hospitals have changed, as has the equipment utilized.  This has led to our team's ability to use evolving technologies such as lab and radiology services, CT scanning, nuclear imaging, ultrasound, and DEXA imaging.  All those services are offered in-house, allowing us to provide them within our office to meet all your healthcare needs.

Over the years, some of the best physicians in the Birmingham area have worked within these walls, ensuring that the standard of care and expectations we started with are still met today.


Looking for a quality Healthcare?

Contact us today to get started with complete healthcare to help you live a long and enjoyable life.

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